Administrative Procedure: Student Conduct on Buses
March 9, 2005
Policy Reference
Legal Reference
PSA M.R. 465/88
As provided by the regulations of the Public Schools Act, the principal of the school whose students are being transported has disciplinary authority over the conduct of the students during the period in which they are in, entering, or alighting from a school bus. If a student on the bus persists in conduct detrimental or hazardous to the welfare of the passengers, such conduct shall be reported by the bus driver to the principal and the Transportation Coordinator.
All divisional regulations and policies shall be applicable on buses and to students while being transported for programs sponsored by the Division.
In the case of students transported by a school bus, parents/guardians are responsible for the conduct of their children before pickup and after drop off at the designated site.
The Division provides transportation to all eligible students, subject to their acceptable behaviour. Should the behaviour of a transported student or group of students become unacceptable, contrary to policies of the Division, or such that the safety of others is jeopardized, the transportation may be withdrawn.
In circumstances of student misconduct on a bus, a Bus Conduct Report shall be submitted to the Transportation Coordinator
Guidelines and procedures for student conduct on buses are outlined in the School Bus Drivers’ Handbook
Expectations governing student conduct on school buses shall be distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year.
Student Behaviour Guidelines
- All students shall be properly dressed for weather conditions and in complete readiness to board the bus when it arrives at each pickup point or school. Students are expected to be at the assigned stop on time. Students will avoid rushing or jostling on entering or leaving the bus.
- Students shall go directly to their seat as assigned by the driver, sit straight, well to the back of the seat, remain seated throughout the trip and leave their seat only when the bus has reached its destination and comes to a complete stop.
- Students shall keep the aisle clear.
- Students shall avoid anything, which might disturb the driver or interfere with the driving task.Students shall refrain from loud or boisterous behaviour.
- Vandalism in any form will result in discipline.
- Students shall not open the window without the permission of the driver. Hands, arms, head, and feet shall not be allowed outside bus windows and doors.
- Students shall not throw anything inside the bus or out of the windows.
- Students shall not touch the emergency door or exits or any part of the bus equipment, unless so directed. Students will know the location and the use of emergency exits, the first aid kit, and the fire extinguisher.
- Eating and/or drinking on the bus will not be allowed at any time.
- Bus passengers are expected to be courteous and considerate to each other and to the bus driver at all times.
- Objects of a dangerous or objectionable nature will not be allowed on the bus.
- The use of tobacco or other drugs in any form is strictly prohibited.
- The use of profanity or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
- Students shall obey the directions and instructions of the bus driver promptly.
- No student may leave the bus except when permitted by the bus driver, or if written permission by the parent/guardian is handed to the bus driver.
- Students shall be prepared to board the bus immediately after school and remain there until delivered at the bus stop except when excused by the bus driver or by written permission of the parent/guardian.
- The bus driver is directed to report students breaking these rules to the school principal. (The principal may withdraw bus privileges.)
These regulations are for the safe, comfortable, and enjoyable ride of the students and bus driver.
Date of Misconduct_________________________
School / Grade _________________________________________________________________
The conduct of the above student is hereby reported as being below the standards required for the safety and welfare of students riding the school bus. The major infractions have been checked below:
_____ Theft _____ Fighting
_____ Smoking _____ Using Emergency Door
_____ Profanity/Inappropriate language _____ Lighting Matches
_____ Noisy or Loud _____ Violence
_____ Throwing Things _____ Will Not Stay in Seat
_____ Destruction of School Property _____ Littering on Bus
Bus Driver signature___________________________________ Bus Number_______________
Forward to School Principal
______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Address Phone
Contact Made By ______________________________________ Date____________________
Conference Disposition ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Principal’s signature______________________________________________________________
Forward to Transportation Coordinator