Administrative Procedure: Technology Acceptable Use: Staff and Students
September , 2012
September 10, 2014
August 28, 2024
Policy Reference
Legal Reference
It is the belief of Border Land School Division (BLSD) that technology plays an important part in the educational process. In order to enhance the life-long learning taking place in Border Land School Division, employees and students have been granted access to divisional technology resources. Technology resources in BLSD include, but are not limited to:
a. Computers e. Cameras/Digital Cameras
b. Personal Communication Devices f. Hardware
c. Email g. Software
d. Networks
The devices referenced above and for the purpose of this procedure are both division and personally owned devices.
Access to technology in Border Land School Division is a privilege with responsibilities. All users should understand that data transmitted within or stored on divisional IT equipment is the property of Border Land School Division and is not to be considered private. There are no guarantees implied or made regarding the assurance of security, storage or backup of any personal or divisional data. The BLSD IT Department may access or recall any divisional IT equipment, data storage, or transmissions at any time as they perform their authorized responsibilities.
Responsible personal use of divisional IT equipment is permitted as long as such use does not interfere with:
• The user’s performance of their assigned duties
• The safe and positive environment for students and employees
• IT equipment functionality, network operations, and security
• Students’ or other users’ access to the network.
Acceptable Use of Technology
It is the understanding of Border Land School Division that all users will abide by the guidelines of acceptable use of technology. Violations of acceptable use of technology, divisional or personal, may include, but are not limited to:
• Sending or displaying hate propaganda, sexist, homophobic, racist, pornographic, or obscene content.
• Cyberbullying – is bullying by means of any form of electronic communication, including social media text messaging, instant messaging websites, or email.
• Damaging divisional IT equipment intentionally
• Reconfiguring the installed operating systems on divisional equipment
• Violating copyright laws
• Installing unapproved software onto divisional equipment
• Using licensed software in a manner inconsistent with licensing agreements
• Using another’s password or unauthorized access to another’s folders, work, or files
• Accessing the network with unauthorized, non-divisional equipment
• Overusing limited IT resources for personal benefit, including personal data storage or Backup
• Modifying any network components, such as servers, switches, routers, and cabling
• Employing the network for commercial or illegal purposes.
• Use of cell phones during limited times.
Procedures for Investigation of Unacceptable Use of BLSD Technology Resources
The networks (LAN and WAN) are the property of the Border Land School Division and, as such, may be subject to a division authorized search to ensure the integrity of the networks and compliance with divisional guidelines and local laws. Any unacceptable use of technology that is discovered by the BLSD I.T. Department, as they perform their authorized duties, must be reported to the Superintendent of BLSD.
If the BLSD Superintendent has reason to believe that there has been unacceptable use of divisional technology resources, the Superintendent may direct the BLSD I.T. Department to initiate an investigation of the employee’s accounts and/or equipment. A primary goal of this investigation will be to prove that an unacceptable use of technology did not or could not have occurred. During this authorized investigation, the I.T. Department may be required to monitor, audit, intercept, review, screen, edit, delete, remove, collect, use, store and/or disclose any information or materials related to a respective employee’s activities that take place on divisional IT equipment and/or occur within the divisional IT infrastructure. All data that is gathered during the investigation will be summarized for a confidential review by the Superintendent of BLSD.
Any use of technology that the BLSD Superintendent deems as a violation of the guidelines for acceptable use of technology shall be considered grounds for the Superintendent to proceed with any or all of the following:
• Temporary or permanent removal of network privileges and/or employee assigned IT equipment.
• Requiring employees to cover any costs incurred for repairs or replacement of IT equipment
• Disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for dismissal
• Contacting law enforcement authorities, when necessary, to determine if a violation of law has occurred.
This Employee Acceptable Use Procedure will be reviewed by Senior Administration on a yearly basis and may be updated as deemed necessary. Employees will be notified of all updates to the Employee Acceptable Use Procedure.
Student ICT* Use Agreement/Fair Notice
Manitoba Education has provincially mandated infusion of technology in teaching and learning so that students may develop literacy for the future. Teachers direct and supervise the use of technology. Technology is required in all curricula.
Student rights:
• Students, like everyone, have the right to be safe in the online environment*.
• Students have the right to access information that is free from hate propaganda, sexist, homophobic, racist, pornographic, or obscene content.
• Students have the right to access selected educational ICT resources for their learning.
Student responsibilities:
• Appropriate behavior: When using ICT, all students will maintain the behavior outlined in their school’s Code of Conduct.
• Safe behavior: Students will not reveal, post, or send personal information about themselves or others in the online environment (last name, address, phone number, pictures, passwords, or school name).
• Respect for others in the online environment: Students will be polite and will create and use appropriate content. Students will not offend or threaten others.
• Responsible participation: Students will exit any inappropriate sites or resources and will inform a teacher if inappropriate resources are accessed.
• Work cooperatively: Students will work with peers and staff to create a positive environment to enhance learning.
• Respect for property: Students will treat equipment with respect, and will follow the school guidelines for ensuring that equipment is properly maintained and the network remains secure. Students will respect the owners of ideas by requesting permission for use of copyrighted work, and by giving credit to the source of the information that they access.
• Report Cyberbullying
• Grade K-8 students shall not use their cell phone devices during the school day, inclusive of breaks and lunch.
• Grade 9-12 students shall not use their cell phones during class time unless directed by a staff member for an educational purpose.
School responsibilities:
• Border Land School Division (BLSD) has a responsibility to provide a safe learning environment. We take precautions to protect our staff, students, and schools by restricting access to inappropriate materials.
• BLSD staff have a responsibility to teach students about safe, responsible, ethical, and appropriate use of ICT.
• Students use technology in an open and constantly changing environment. Potential risks or dangers always remain, and BLSD cannot guarantee that access to ICT will be free from all controversial or inappropriate materials. We will do our best to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
• Report cyberbullying
• Staff will use their cell phones only during breaks and lunch unless it necessary for an instructional reason.
Please review the Rights and Responsibilities for your child’s participation in learning activities using ICT. Take some time to discuss these with your child.
I have reviewed the ICT Acceptable Use agreement and understand that my child will be using the internet for learning. I understand that any threat to a safe learning environment will be investigated, regardless of where it takes place. I understand that cyberbullying as well as any inappropriate behavior may result in discipline, and that ICT equipment may be confiscated.
Parent signature Student’s signature Date
*ICT = information communication technology, it includes any devices that are used to communicate, store, or access information. Some examples include: cell phone, MP3, PSP, laptops, school computers, iPod, iPhones, etc.
*Online environment = refers to the use of ICT for communication, regardless of location or application. The online environment is public. Some examples of online environments include: X, Facebook, instant messaging, e-mail, snapchat, websites, blogs, forums, etc.
Cyberbullying that “starts” outside of school is investigated at school, because it impacts the safety of the learning environment.