Administrative Procedure: Blood Borne Infections
Policy Reference
Legal Reference
Border Land School Division recognizes its responsibility to staff and students in ensuring their safety from blood borne infections such as hepatitis (hep B and hep C) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They also recognize the right of an individual to privacy regarding information about his/her personal health.
In balancing the risk involved to staff and their individual right to privacy, the following action will be taken:
- Information and training on blood borne infections and the proper handling of blood and body fluids will be provided to all employees emphasizing the importance of following the routine precautions. All contact with blood and body fluids should be viewed routinely as having the potential for causing an infection. This practice should apply regardless of whether infected individuals with a blood borne disease are involved.
- Education programming for students will be provided based on curriculum materials developed by Manitoba Education.
- In accordance with current legislation, rights to privacy regarding personal health information will be respected.
- The policy and procedures of the Division with respect to blood borne infections will be based upon the most current available medical knowledge.
- Parents/guardians and staff will be encouraged to share any health care information with appropriate school personnel to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff involved.
- In evaluating new information, the Division will maintain liaison with the local Medical Officer of Health or designate.
An employee who has become infected with a blood borne disease is encouraged to report the diagnosis of this condition to the Superintendent.
In compliance with current legislation regarding the right of privacy of an individual, the Superintendent, subject to consultation with the doctor of the employee and/or the Medical Officer of Health, shall determine which other person should have the information to ensure proper care and support of the infected person. A meeting of the Superintendent, the employee, the physician of the employee, and/or the Medical Officer of Health may be held to ensure that everyone involved understands the situation and the implications of any actions that may be taken. The infected employee may bring representation to meetings if he/she so desires.
An employee infected by a blood borne disease shall have the right to maintain his/her regularly assigned position unless, because of the physical condition or behaviour of the employee, there is risk to the infected person or other employees/students. The other circumstance would be if the person can no longer perform his/her duties. When reasonable cause prevails, the Superintendent shall have the authority to reassign the employee to a more suitable employment position, subject to consultation with the physician of the infected employee, public health personnel, Division personnel and the employee. All regular employee benefits such as sick leave provisions, salary continuance, and long-term disability shall apply.
Release of Information
In accordance with the provision of this policy, the Superintendent and/or Chairperson of the Board shall be responsible for responding to any inquiries or requests for information from individuals, school communities, or the media, related to the handling of specific cases of blood borne infections.
Objects and Surfaces
Objects or surfaces which are visibly soiled with blood/body fluids (mucus, semen, urine, stool, vomit) of any persons, regardless of the type of infection, should be wiped clean with soap and water and then disinfected. A freshly prepared solution of RX15 in water (1 part RX15 to 9 parts water) is recommended as a disinfectant.
The person doing the cleaning should wear disposable glove to avoid exposure of open sores and/or broken mucous membranes to blood/body fluids. Disposable materials such as paper towels should be used. If a mop is used, it should be rinsed in disinfectant before being used again.
Clothing and linens visibly soiled with blood/body fluids should be rinsed in cold water and then washed in hot water and ordinary household laundry detergent. Disposable gloves should be worn by the person who is rinsing the clothes. All disposable articles soiled with blood/body fluids should be placed in a plastic bag, closed with a twist tie, and then placed in a regular garbage container.
Person to Person Contact
If a person with a blood borne infection requires medical assistance, preliminary first aid should be administered. As soon as possible thereafter, all blood/body fluids should be washed off in hot soapy water. It should be emphasized that careful hand washing is an effective and reliable precaution. Disposable gloves should be worn, if possible, to avoid exposure of open sores and/or broken mucous membranes. If blood/body fluids do come into contact with an open sore, it should be washed promptly. The person in need of medical assistance can then be referred to a medical facility. The person who was exposed to blood or body fluids of an infected person shall also be referred to Public Health for a risk assessment to determine if follow up is necessary.
The Board believes that for most school aged children with blood borne infections, the benefits of an unrestricted educational setting outweigh the risk of them transmitting the disease through casual contact. The Board believes that these students should attend school in an unrestricted setting unless, in the opinion of the physician of the student and/or the Medical Officer of Health, there are special circumstances that would necessitate some restrictions. The assessment for attendance or restrictions should be based on the behaviour, development and physical condition of the student, and the expected type of interaction with others in the educational setting.
Border Land School Division recognizes its responsibility to students in ensuring their safety from blood borne infections such as hepatitis (hep B and hep C) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They also recognize the right of an individual to privacy regarding information about his/her personal health.
In compliance with current legislation regarding the confidentiality of this information, the Division, in consultation with the parents/guardians of the student, the physician of the student, and/or the Medical Officer of Health shall determine which other persons should have the information to ensure the proper care and support of the infected student.
Any restrictions to the educational setting or attendance of a student will ultimately be the decision of the Division. Such a decision shall be made subject to consultation with the physician of the student and/or the Medical Officer of Health and following consultation with the parents/guardians of the student.
Where the physical condition or behaviour of the infected student requires alternative arrangements for instruction, these will be provided.
Decisions regarding the alternative arrangements for instruction shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Division.
A review of the medical condition of the student shall occur in consultation with the family physician whenever a significant change in the physical condition or behaviour of the student occurs.