2.A.30 Support Staff Evaluation

Human Resources









Administrative Procedure: Support Staff Evaluation




January 11, 2006
















Policy Reference



Legal Reference





The purpose of the evaluation policy is to address the need for continued growth in job competencies and in relation to lifelong learning. It also meets the need for divisional accountability. As with the professional staff, supervision and self-reflection are key elements in an effective evaluation policy.


Staff evaluation may occur under the following circumstances:


  • Following a probationary period as per Support Staff General Agreement
  • At the end of the first year of employment
  • On a regular three-year rotation
  • By employee request
  • Upon request of the direct supervisor
  • Annually if deemed necessary or appropriate by the direct supervisor


All non-teaching employees shall be evaluated by their supervisors using the appropriate evaluation forms. It is further understood that an interim report will accompany the probationary period and that a summative report will be filed after the first year of service.  A copy of an employee’s summative evaluation will be placed in the personnel file of the employee.


The evaluation of support services shall cover the major areas of responsibility of each employee and shall include the following:


  • Performance of job assignments
  • Attitude toward children
  • Attitude to public education
  • Attitude toward supervisors, teaching staff and fellow employees






Evaluation responsibilities


In keeping with the organizational chart, the following outlines the responsibilities for the evaluation of support staff:


  • Custodial staff will be evaluated by the principal in consultation with maintenance coordinator.
  • Division office support staff will be evaluated by the Secretary-Treasurer in consultation with Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent.
  • Educational assistants will be evaluated by principals in consultation with the resource teachers.
  • Bus drivers and mechanics will be evaluated by the Transportation Coordinator in consultation with Secretary-Treasurer.
  • The maintenance assistant will be evaluated by the Maintenance Coordinator in consultation with Secretary-Treasurer.
  • Maintenance and Transportation Coordinators will be evaluated by the Secretary-Treasurer.
  • School secretaries and librarians will be evaluated by the school principal.




An employee who believes that the evaluation is not a true reflection of his/her performance may appeal through the established procedure. All appeals must be prepared in written form and completed within a three-week time frame at each level. Levels are defined in the organization chart and in all cases the final appeal is to the Board. 


Evaluation of Support Staff


The first part of the procedure requires that a satisfactory evaluation is filed before a probationary employee is considered for permanent employment.


The next step in the procedure is to complete a summative evaluation at the end of the first and every three years thereafter.


In this process, evaluation reports shall be discussed with the employee. Each employee shall be given a copy of his/her evaluation, and shall sign the Division copy as evidence that he or she has seen it, and that it has been reviewed with him/her. Each shall be permitted to write comments and attach same to his/her evaluation prior to its being filed in the employee’s personal file.





Appeal procedure


To launch an appeal, the employee shall prepare a written statement to his /her immediate supervisor within three weeks of receiving the report


 Failing a resolution at this level, the appeal can be taken to the next appropriate level, either divisional administration or the Board. This process must commence within a three-week period.




Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.