2.A.40 Eval of Asst Superintendent & Sec. Treas

Human Resources








Administrative Procedure:Evaluation of Assistant Superintendent and Secretary Treasurer




January 1, 2006
















Policy Reference



Legal Reference






Border Land School Division recognizes the vital importance and expertise of the Assistant Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer in assisting the Superintendent in the delivery and management of human and financial resources that accompany quality educational programming.




  • To provide an opportunity for the Board, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Secretary-Treasurer to communicate and to develop a mutual understanding of expectations and responsibilities.
  • To ensure that the essential management functions as outlined in policy are performed effectively.
  • To provide an opportunity for the Superintendent to establish divisional and administrative opportunities for continuous improvement.
  • To provide an opportunity for self reflection and professional growth.
  • To provide a basis for salary adjustment and decisions with respect to continued employment




The duties of the Assistant Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer are outlined in the respective job description.




Evaluation shall be a continuous process, resulting in the formation of mutual understanding and trust between the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The establishment of formal guidelines enhance this process and result in a valuable exchange of views and improved communications.  A formal evaluation shall occur at the end of the first year. Within the first three months the Superintendent will meet with the Assistant Superintendent and/or the Secretary-Treasurer to review feedback and perceptions and to prepare a plan as to how the evaluation will be conducted.


In addition, so as to promote opportunity for continuous improvement, the Superintendent will engage the Assistant Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer in an annual review exercise.  The purpose of this review is to recognize administrative accomplishments, issues, and progress on divisional priorities. A summary report will be prepared for the Board (see Procedure).


Subsequent evaluations shall be conducted on a four-year cycle.


The Superintendent shall carry out the evaluation of the Assistant Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The evaluation will be based on established guidelines that are known to both the Assistant Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer.        


Evaluation of the Assistant Superintendent


Prior to commencement of the evaluation process, the Assistant Superintendent and the Superintendent will have a meeting to discuss the criteria to be used and to agree on a data collection process.  Sources to consider for data collection may include school administrators, Division office staff, the Board, and on site observations.  At this conference, the Assistant Superintendent will be asked to set out his/her goals and objectives for the current year.  The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent will decide if an outside evaluator will be used in the process.


The Assistant Superintendent will be encouraged to identify areas of performance in which he/she would like assistance and/or feedback.


In the course of the evaluation process the evaluator(s) will conduct at least three formal meetings related to the evaluation process.


Upon the completion of the evaluation process, a post-meeting conference will be held to discuss the data collected, the meeting, and the perceived success of attaining the goals and objectives as stated by the Assistant Superintendent.


Following the post-visitation conference the evaluator(s) will prepare a confidential written report, which upon completion will be shared with the Assistant Superintendent. The report will be signed and dated by both parties.  One copy of the report will be given to the Assistant Superintendent and one copy placed in his/her personnel file in the Division Office.


The Assistant Superintendent will have the opportunity to respond in writing to the confidential written report, and/or to initiate an appeal process.

Appeal procedure


To launch an appeal, the Assistant Superintendent shall prepare a written statement to the Board within three weeks of receiving the report.



The evaluation of the Assistant Superintendent will address the following areas:

  • Board relation and responsibilities
  • Fiscal and facilities management as per job description
  • Assistant Superintendent / staff relations
  • Educational leadership
  • Personal and professional attributes
  • Communications and professional relations


The evaluation form will be used as the basis for the final report (see appendix).


Annual Review Procedure


  • The Superintendent will arrange for a time to meet individually or collectively with the Assistant Superintendent and/or the Secretary-Treasurer.
  • The agenda for this meeting includes:
    • Administrative goals and accomplishments
    • Administrative or procedural matters
    • Progress on Divisional priorities and related duties
    • Administrative priorities for the following year
  • A summary report will be prepared and presented to the Board.


    EVALUATION OF ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FORMS                                                             


    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:                                                                     






    1. Establishes and maintains a strong working

      relationship with the Superintendent and Board..         ______                  ______                  ______


    2. Provides ample information to enable Board

       members to make decisions.                                             ______                  ______                  ______


    3. Implements Board policies.                                             ______                  ______                  ______


    4. Keeps the Board informed on school programs,

      as outlined in job description.                                           ______                  ______                  ______


    5. Prepares clear concise reports.                                        ______                  ______                  ______


    6. Accepts direction from the Board 

      and Superintendent.                                                            ______                  ______                  ______


    7. Treats Board members with respect.                              ______                  ______                  ______


    8. Assists the Division in the development of long

      range plans.                                                                          ______                  ______                  ______


      Comments on strengths and weaknesses:








      Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows: 


                                          Proficient         Basic         Unsatisfactory



    9. Is involved in budget preparations

      and management as per job description.                          ______                  ______                  ______




    11. Allocates resources effectively.                                        ______                  ______                  ______




    13. Assigns staff within established

      budgetary limits and guidelines.                                       ______                  ______                  ______




    15. Is fiscally accountable for
    16. management of Division budget

      for which he/she is responsible.                                        ______                  ______                  ______



    17. Works effectively with the
    18. department of the Secretary-Treasurer.                           ______                  ______                  ______

      Comments on strengths and weaknesses:








      Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follo


    19. Exhibits strong interpersonal skills.                                  ______                  ______                  ______



    21. Exhibits a sense of justice and fair play.                         ______                  ______                  ______



    23. Works at establishing good staff morale.                       ______                  ______                  ______



    25. Unites people towards common goals.                            ______                  ______                  ______



    27. Involves staff in decision making.                                   ______                  ______                  ______

      Comments on strengths and weaknesses:









      Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:


                             Proficient              Basic            Unsatisfactory

  • A summary report will be prepared and presented to the Board.
  1. Monitors effectiveness of

             instructional programs.                                                     ______                  ______                  ______


  2. Is involved in planning in-service

             and staff development.                                                     ______                  ______                  ______


  3. Is knowledgeable of curriculum

             and instructional trends.                                                    ______                  ______                  ______


  4. Exhibits a clear educational

    Philosophy.                                                                           ______                  ______                  ______


  5. Promotes and encourages

    student excellence.                                                              ______                  ______                  ______


  6. Promotes and encourages

    staff responsibility.                                                              ______                  ______                  ______


  7. Assists in the supervisory program

             in assessing the performance of

     divisional employees.                                                        ______                  ______                  ______


    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:                                                 





    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:

                                                                                        Proficient              Basic              Unsatisfactory


  8. Handles difficult situations.                                      ______                      ______                        ______               



  10. Is well organized.                                                        ______                      ______                        ______



  12. Manages personnel issues successfully.                  ______                      _______                      _______



  14. Exhibits professionalism.                                           _______                    _______                      _______



  16. Promotes own professional growth.                         _______                    _______                      _______



  18. Is respected by colleagues and                                  ______                      ______                        ______
  19.             community.            

          Comments on strengths and weaknesses








    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:


                                                                                              Proficient        Basic            Unsatisfactory


  20. Communicates effectively, orally
  21.  and in writing.                                                                      ______                  ______                  ______



  22. Handles the media effectively.                                         ______                  ______                  ______



  24. Maintains working relationship
  25.  with Manitoba Education.                                                ______                  ______                  ______




  26. Reflects the Board’s position on issues.                          ______                  ______                  ______



  28. Communicates with administrators,
  29. coordinators, and support staff.                                        ______                  ______                  ______


    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:






    Evaluation of the Secretary- Treasurer


    Prior to commencement of the evaluation process, the Secretary -Treasurer and the

    Superintendent will have a meeting to discuss the criteria to be used and to agree on a

    data collection process.  Sources to consider for data collection may include school administrators, Division office staff, the Board, and on site observations. At this conference, the Secretary-Treasurer will be asked to set out his/her goals and objectives for the current year. The Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer will decide if an outside evaluation will be used in the process.


    The Secretary -Treasurer will be encouraged to identify areas of performance in which

    he/she would like assistance and/or feedback.


    In the course of the evaluation process the evaluator(s) will make at least three formal meetings related to the evaluation process.


    Upon the completion of the evaluation process, a post-visitation conference will be held

    to discuss the data collected, the office visitations, and the perceived success of attaining

    the goals and objectives as stated by the Secretary-Treasurer.


    Following the post-visitation conference the evaluator(s) will prepare a confidential written report, which upon completion will be shared with the Secretary-Treasurer. The report will be signed and dated by both parties.  One copy of the report will be given to the Secretary-Treasurer and one copy placed in his/her personnel file in the Division Office.


    The Secretary-Treasurer will have the opportunity to respond in writing to the

    confidential written report, and/or to initiate an appeal process.


    The evaluation of the Secretary-Treasurer will be based on the following criteria:

  • Board relationship and responsibilities
  • Fiscal and facilities management as per job description
  • Secretary-Treasurer / staff relations
  • Financial and Administrative leadership
  • Personal and professional attributes
  • Communications and professional relations


    The evaluation form will be used as the basis for the final report.


    Annual Review Procedure


    • The Superintendent will arrange for a time to meet individually or collectively with the Assistant Superintendent and/or the Secretary-Treasurer.
    • The agenda for this meeting includes:
      • Administrative goals and accomplishments
      • Administrative or procedural matters
      • Progress on Divisional priorities and related duties
      • Administrative priorities for the following year 








Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:


                                                                                                                     Proficient           Basic                Unsatisfactory

  1. Establishes and maintains a strong working

    relationship with the Superintendent and Board.          ______                  ______                  ______


    2.  Provides ample information to enable the

     Board to make decisions.                                                  ______                  ______                  ______


    3.  Implements Board policies.                                                ______                  ______                  ______                                 


    4.  Keeps the Superintendent and Board informed

    on monitoring the divisional budget.                               ______                  ______                  ______


      5.   Prepares clear concise reports

    as required.                                                                            ______                  ______                  ______



  2. Accepts direction from the Board/  
  3. Superintendent and works

    effectively with Board committees.                                 ______                  ______                  ______

    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:









    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:



                                           Proficient        Basic       Unsatisfactory

  1. Prepares the divisional budget as per

     Divisional policy.                                                               ______                  ______                  ______


  2. Allocates resources effectively.                                      ______                  ______                  ______


  3. Assists in the assignment of staff

     within established budgetary limits

     and guidelines.                                                                     ______                  ______                  ______


  4. Is fiscally accountable for

      managing  the overall Divisional  budget.                    ______                  ______                  ______


  5. Works effectively with Superintendent

      and Assistant Superintendent.                                        ______                  ______                  ______


  6. Effectively supervises the

      maintenance and transportation services.                     ______                  ______                  ______


  7. Effectively  supervises divisional

      technology applications.                                                  ______                  ______                  ______


  8. Effectively supervises

     purchasing procedures and policies .                               ______                  ______                  ______


  9. Effectively oversees  adherence to all

     constitutional or  statutory laws and

     provincial regulations.                                                       ______                  ______                  ______


  10. Supervision of all payroll, personnel records, and

       payments effectively.                                                      ______                  ______                  ______



    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:                                                                                                                                   










    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:


                                             Proficient        Basic          Unsatisfactory


  11. Exhibits strong interpersonal skills.                                  ______                  ______                  ______



  13. Exhibits a sense of justice and fair play.                         ______                  ______                  ______



  15. Works at establishing good staff morale.                       ______                  ______                  ______



  17. Unites people towards common goals.                            ______                  ______                  ______



  19. Involves staff in decision making.                                   ______                  ______                  ______

    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:








    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:




                                                              Proficient            Basic               Unsatisfactory


  1. Monitors effectiveness of

    fiscal procedures.                                                                 ______                  ______                  ______


  2. Is Involved in planning in-service

            and staff development for support

            staff associated with office,

            maintenance, transportation, and

            technology.                                                                           ______                  ______                  ______


  3. Is knowledgeable of trends in

    education, finance, maintenance,

    transportation and technology.                                         ______                  ______                  ______


  4. Promotes and encourages

    continuous improvement in

    support services.                                                                   ______                  ______                  ______


  5. Promotes and encourages

    student excellence.                                                              ______                  ______                  _____

  6. Promotes and encourages ongoing

    professional development and

    related training programs for support

    staff.                                                                                      ______                  ______                  ______


  7. Assists in the supervisory program

             in assessing the performance of

             divisional employees.                                                        ______                  ______                  ______


    Comments on strengths and weaknesses:









    Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:



                                                               Proficient                Basic              Unsatisfactory

     1.    Handles difficult situations.                                        ______                    ______                          ______


  1. Is well organized.                                                        ______                    ______                          ______


  2. Manages personnel issues successfully.                  ______                    ______                          ______


  3. Exhibits enthusiasm for work.                                   ______                    ______                          ______


  4. Promotes own professional growth.                         ______                    ______                          ______


  5. Is respected by colleagues and community.           ______                    ______                          ______


  6. Prepares cost analysis studies and

      annual financial reports.                           ______                    ______                          ______

     Comments on strengths and weaknesses:

















Please check the appropriate box opposite each statement which best indicates your reaction as follows:







 1. Communicates effectively orally

 and in writing.                                                                      ______                  ______                  ______

2. Handles the media effectively.                                         ______                  ______                  ______

3. Maintains working relationship

 with Manitoba Education.                                                ______                  ______                  ______

 4. Reflects the Board’s position on issues.                          ______                  ______                  ______

5. Communicates with administrators,

coordinators, and support staff

and others as required.                                                        ______                  ______                  ______

Comments on strengths and weaknesses:

Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.