Administrative Procedure: Clinician Evaluation and Professional Growth Planning
May 14, 2014
Policy Reference
Legal Reference
GOAL: Clinicians will engage in ongoing reflection, learning, and evaluation to continuously improve the educational experiences and the delivery of quality services to students and families in Border Land School Division.
Outline for Formal Evaluation
HINT – to clinicians
First Clinical Services Team (CST) meeting
Informal conversation between Ass’t Supe + clinician
Inform clinician that it is a formal evaluation year
Clinicians are to be evaluated every 3 years
By Sept 30
Formal letter from Ass’t Supe to clinician
Confirm the evaluation purpose + process
Start a file “Evaluation 20XX” for the year
By Oct 15
1. Meeting between Ass’t Supe + clinician
2. Review the areas of evaluation NOT included in the school feedback form and identify which of these will be part of the evaluation
**see below
1. Review PGP, identify/ confirm which schools get feedback forms, timelines
2. Identify which additional areas of work will be included in the evaluation
1. Have PGP prepared, identify other sources of evaluation feedback
2. Review the additional areas of clinician work and come prepared to collaborate with the Ass’t Supe on which of these will be included in the evaluation process
By Oct 31
Ass’t Supe send notice and feedback forms to principals.
Reinforce that feedback forms are to be completed collaboratively with RTs
Collect feedback from schools about clinician
By Jan 31
Ass’t Supe collect feedback forms from schools
Gather feedback from schools
Jan 31-Spring
Ass’t Supe forwards feedback to clinicians as they come in
Share the info from schools with clinicians
Clinicians highlight questions/concerns/discussion points from the feedback
Ass’t Supe and clinician meet at least 3 times to discuss PGP, feedback forms, and actions clinician has taken connected to feedback, PGP, and regular work
Ensure Ass’t Supe has a deep understanding of the nature of clinician’s work; responding to school feedback
Come to the meetings prepared to talk about PGP, ongoing work, and response to identified questions /concerns/discussion points from the schools’ feedback
Ass’t Supe will write a final report and share it with the clinician
Final report is shared with the Superintendent and filed in the clinician’s personnel file
Complete a final document for employment records and future reference
Read the final report carefully to ensure it includes an accurate reflection of you as a professional; sign the report
**Additional Areas of Evaluation
- Leadership – this includes within the Clinical Services Team, on a special project, in a particular school, etc.
- Initiative – this includes the push to start new ways to address needs identified through the clinician’s work
- Problem Solving – this includes discretion and judgment and the demonstrated capacity to work through complex situations
- Adaptability – this includes flexibility to make needed adjustments in the larger picture and in immediate circumstances
- Communication – this is in addition to the Communication section on the Feedback Form and includes the clinician’s understanding and active contribution towards building an open system
- Teamwork – this includes the multiple opportunities to work collaboratively
- Professionalism – this includes the clinician’s assessment of meeting the highest standards of their discipline in the work they do in BLSD
The purpose of these Additional Areas of Evaluation is to provide a more thorough, accurate and consistent picture of clinician’s work. While the feedback from schools certainly provides an important perspective on clinician’s work, it does not provide a complete picture.
At the first formal evaluation meeting, the Assistant Superintendent and the clinician will review the Additional Areas and collaboratively identify which of these areas will and will not be included in their evaluation.
Clinicians will also identify who might provide feedback about these areas, what kind of feedback they would be looking for, and how the feedback would be collected. The Assistant Superintendent would support the clinician in this process. The feedback from these areas would be part of the ongoing evaluation conversations during the evaluation year.
Outline For Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
Sept 3. CST Meeting
Plan personal PGP Goals
Time will be given at the meeting to begin planning goals, and sharing this with a partner
Set Goals:
- Have an Action Plan:
- What will your learning look like?
- How will you know you have learned?
- How will it affect your practice?
By Sept. 30
Have a completed PGP
To set Learning Goals for the year
- Record goals and action plan on PGP Portfolio Document (see attachment) or create your own
- Could include project PD events
By Sept .30
Book a meeting with assistant superintendent to share meeting
To aid in accountability and focusing goals
Oct. 31
Deadline for holding meeting with Ass. Sup.
To ensure the process happens
Update PGP Portfolio
Record weekly so important learning etc. is not forgotten
- Try to set aside 15 min. etc at a regular time to make sure this happens
March CST Meeting
Review the Plan
Where are you at Now; Update the Plan
Evaluation Criteria
- What have you learned?
- How do you know?
- Have you reached any goals?
- List in any new goal?
June/Last CST Meeting
Year-End Reflection
Summative Evaluation
Evaluation Criteria:
- What did you learn?
- How do you know?
- How has your learning affected your practice
Record answers on PGP portfolio document or create your own
Professional Growth Plan
Action Plan:
PD Portfolio -
Year End Reflection:
What did you learn?
How do you know?
How has your learning affected your practice?