4.A.60 Record Management

Business Administration



Administrative Procedure: Record Management



March 24, 2004
















Policy Reference



Legal Reference






Effective procedures for the management of the Division records are an essential requirement of good governance.  The implementation of an efficient records management system will enable the Division to discharge its responsibilities to ensure both access to and protection of information.  The Division accepts the practices and procedures as outlined in Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth’s
Guidelines on the Retention and Disposition of School Division Records and Manitoba Pupil File Guidelines. The Division will also ensure compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), and the Youth Justice Act respecting the collection, use, disclosure, security, retention, and destruction of personal and personal health information.


The Division authorizes the Secretary-Treasurer as Records Manager/ Security Officer. The Secretary-Treasurer will develop and implement a system for the proper maintenance and disposal of divisional and school records. The Border Land School Division will appoint the Superintendent as the Access and Privacy Officer, the Assistant Superintendent as the Access and Privacy Coordinator, and the Secretary-Treasurer as the Electronic Security Officer.


The Division also recognizes that failure to comply with these requirements could result in consequences as outlined in the provincial legislation. Divisional employees may be subject to disciplinary action if the procedures are disregarded.


Responsibility for Records Management


Schools or departments are responsible for proper filing, retention, and storage of files and records relative to their location and shall designate a staff person for the following tasks:


  • General filing of hard copy materials
  • Updating of file index for all items, providing all the data required for the index such as category, name, location
  • Ensuring that copies of appropriate reports and documents are forwarded for archival storage
  • Retaining electronic data
  • Disposing of files and records
  • Ensuring that an audit trail is maintained of filing activity (transfers, disposal, loans)
  • Other filing and record-keeping tasks as assigned


Ownership of Records


All files are the property of the Division.  Staff leaving employment shall ensure that files and records are transferred to the appropriate administrator at that location.





The following disclaimer is to be included on all application forms, referral forms, reports, or any form where personal or personal health information is being collected.


This personal information, or personal health information is being collected under authority of Border Land School Division and will be used for educational purposes or to ensure the health and safety of the student. It is protected by the Protection of Privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Act. If you have any questions about the collection, contact the Border Land School Division Access and Privacy Coordinator at 204-324-6491.










Retention and Destruction of Records


At the expiration of the retention period, records will be destroyed centrally under controlled confidential conditions unless deemed archival.  These records are to be forwarded to the Division Office with a list or summary of contents to the Records Manager.  The Records Manager will file the summaries or lists in a Disposition of Records Log.


Disposition is either:


  • Destruction of records, or
  • Transfer of records to archives.


Files and records shall be disposed of as soon as possible after the retention periods have lapsed.  This should be undertaken as an annual procedure.


The Disposition of Records Log shall provide the name of the individual whose personal health information is destroyed, date range, destruction procedure, and name of person supervising the destruction.


Archival Option

Permanent records shall be moved into the archives designated in the Retention and Disposition Schedule.  Archival options include:


  • Provincial Archives of Manitoba – The Archives legislation enables the Division to transfer its permanent records to the Provincial Archives.
  • Divisional Archives – Divisional archives are established to ensure proper storage conditions and servicing of archival information.  Each school will keep an up-to-date database of records stored in Divisional Archives.


Electronic Security


The Electronic Security Officer (ESO) is responsible to:


  • Maintain a list of all USERIDs and passwords on the Divisional network.
  • Approve the sharing of USERIDs and passwords as deemed necessary.
  • Delete USERIDs when the employment of an individual is terminated, at which time all user data files will be transferred to the ESO immediately.  All information not required for the operation of the Division will be purged.
  • Conduct an annual review of users on the network system and their rights to various files and folders.


Electronic security measures include:


  • Passwords shall not be shared with anyone except as may be necessary for authorized personnel to perform maintenance.
  • Passwords should be changed periodically, especially after maintenance procedures.
  • Passwords shall not be recorded in easily accessible areas.
  • Employees shall log out of the computer system each evening.
  • Information must be encrypted, where feasible, when transporting electronic data on portable computers.
  • Physical information, electronic media, and /or portable computers shall be kept secure in the trunk of a vehicle, or otherwise securely concealed in vehicles without trunk.


Physical Security


  • The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that a locked environment is established where personal health information is stored or accessible. 
  • The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain a duplicate key for each office.
  • Electronic doors, if applicable, shall not be left open while the area is unattended. Combinations must not be disclosed to unauthorized personnel.
  • Materials dealing with confidential information shall be closed and not left open for viewing when away from desk or work area.  Confidential material shall be cleared from the desktop at the end of the day.
  • Portable computers shall be locked away when not in use and sensitive data on the hard drive shall be encrypted.
  • When files are removed from the work site, a staff member is responsible for ensuring an appropriate level of security and confidentiality at all times.


Transmission of Confidential Information


  • Confidential information that is provided over the telephone shall only be given if the identification of the requester is verified.  This information must not be left on the answering machine.
  • Confidential information shall be faxed only when required for urgent or emergent purpose and only sent under the following conditions:
    • There is no chance the information being transmitted can be intercepted during transmission by unauthorized personnel.
    • The individual sending the fax is authorized to release the information.
  • Fax cover page, where applicable, shall include the following:


Confidential information. Disclosure, distribution, or copying of the content is strictly prohibited. If you have received this fax in error, please notify the sender immediately.






    • Where possible, a designated recipient must be available to receive the fax containing personal health information.
  • Transmitting information via e-mail must only be done if the venue of transmission is secure or the data is encrypted.



Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.