1.A.140 Catchment Area and School Choice

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School Administration






Administrative Procedure: School Catchment Area/School of Choice




May 25, 2005
















Policy Reference



Legal Reference






The priority of the Division for admission of students to its schools is as follows:


  1. Resident students from within the catchment area of the school
  2. Resident students from outside the catchment area of the school
  3. Non-resident students, in order of the date of initial receipt of the

application at the school




School catchment areas in the Border Land School Division are established to assist with planning and administration. Students are expected to attend in their catchment area or designated school. Parents wishing to enroll their children at a school other than their area or designated school must submit the prescribed provincial Schools of Choice form to the principal of the receiving school by May 15th prior to September enrolment. The form is available from any school or from the Division Office.


When the form is returned, the principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, will review each application. The following criteria shall apply:

  • Space availability, class size, and composition
  • Special equipment or facility needs
  • Program suitability and continuity with respect to age, ability, and student aptitude
  • School safety and other risk factors
  • Timeline for proper notification


Parents and students are further advised that although a request for school of choice is granted, existing bus routes will not be changed to accommodate this request.  Parents will be responsible to transport the student to the nearest existing bus route with space available.


Once approved, all transfers will remain in effect until a new request has been submitted and approved.  Transfers during the course of the school year will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.


Applications from students who reside in another division will be considered for approval. The same criteria as for resident students will be applied.


Resident Students


  • Information about the schools and school programs is available at the schools or at the Division Office.
  • Parents/guardians must complete the prescribed form by May 15th prior to the September enrolment and submit it to the principal of the school of choice.
  • The principal of the school of choice will consult with the Superintendent regarding all applications.
  • The Superintendent will review the application with the principal of the receiving school and notify the sending school principal accordingly.  If deemed necessary, a meeting will be set up with the parents/guardians.
  • Transportation and other requirements must be met in order for the application to be considered.
  • The principal of the school of choice will then advise the Superintendent of his/her recommendation.
  • The Division Office will inform the parent/guardian and the sending school no later than June 30th whether or not the student has been accepted.


Out of Division Students


Applications from students who reside in another school division will be considered.


  • Applications are available at the schools and at the Division Office. Parents/guardians must make application, in writing, using the prescribed form, by May 15th prior to September enrolment.
  • Applications must be submitted to the principal of the school of choice for preliminary approval.  The criteria governing admission will be the same as for resident students as listed above.
  • The application shall then be forwarded to the Superintendent for review.
  • The Division Office will notify the parents/guardians and the sending school no later than June 30th, whether or not the student has been accepted.
  • Applicants who miss the May 15th deadline may not be accepted, unless their home division agrees to pay the transfer fee.

Criteria Governing Admission


The principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, reserves the right to refuse an application for any of the following reasons:


  • Space including factors such as class size and composition
  • Special equipment or facilities required by the student are not available
  • Enrolling the student would be detrimental to the continuity of his or her education
  • The program is not suited to the age, ability, or aptitude of the student
  • Enrolling the student would be detrimental to order, discipline, and the well being of the students in the school
  • The student or parent/guardian does not provide proper notification


Border Land School Division students who choose to attend school in another division may request consideration for transportation services.  When such requests are approved, the existing routes will not be altered so as to transport the student outside the boundaries of the Border Land School Division, but where existing bus routing and timing permits, the student may be transported to a transfer point where a bus from the receiving division can be met, and the student can transfer safely without unreasonable delay for the other students.  Such arrangements shall be subject to the agreement of both divisions on all associated matters, including space availability, timing, convenience to other students, and financial support for the costs incurred.

Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.